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On May 22, 2017 Non-profit organization "European Institute for Cultural Tourism "EUREKA"" started implementation of the "Mobility of Workers and Unemployed Upgrade" project, acronym – MOWEUP. The project is being funded under the “Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria” Programme.
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On May 19, 2017 the Municipality of Krushari and the Regional History Museum of Dobrich started the implementation of the project "A Cross-Border Union in the Shadow of History" under the INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Programme. The main objective of the project is to improve the sustainable use of natural resources and the cultural heritage in the cross-border region of Dobrich District and Constanta County.
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On May 17, 2017 Non-profit organization “European Institute for Cultural Tourism “EUREKA” started the implementation of "Joint services and initiatives for sustainable employment and labor mobility in the cross-border region of Dobrich region and Constanta district" project, acronym – LAB mobile, under the ”Interreg V-A Romania - Bulgaria” Programme.
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On 29 and 30 April 2017 Non-profit organization "European Institute of Cultural Tourism" EUREKA "" together with Asociatia ProActiv pentru Comunitate town of Mangalia, Romania with director Nicoletta Griguta organized and held two seminars for Romanian teachers with topic "Quality Management in Education", for which each of them received a certificate of participation.