On May 19, 2017 the Municipality of Krushari and the Regional History Museum of Dobrich started the implementation of the project "A Cross-Border Union in the Shadow of History" under the INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Programme. The main objective of the project is to improve the sustainable use of natural resources and the cultural heritage in the cross-border region of Dobrich District and Constanta County.
Partners in the project are Hursova Municipality - Leading Partner, Krushari Municipality, Museum of National History and Archeology of Constanta and Regional History Museum of Dobrich.
Project activities include:
- Restoration,conservation and promotion of “Vasile Cotuvu” and it’s transformation in a Multicultural Center Museum in the municipality of Hârșova. In addition to the reconstruction of buildings with high cultural value,the road to CARSIUM will be rehabilitated;
- Construction of an open-air museum in the village of Krushari, where the finds of the Zaldapa fortress and a small mock-up of the fortress will be located;
- Construction of the tourist infrastructure of Zaldapa Fortress,the Dry Valley and Rock Monasteries - billboard, signboards, recreation areas;
- Establishing a tourist route "ZALDAPA-DRY VALLEY-KARSIUM". The route will include all natural and cultural attractions on the territory of Krushari Municipality and Harshova Municipality;
- Organization of 10 guided tours of Dry Valley and Rock Monasteries with a tour guide;
- Establishsing a joint marketing strategy with measures for the sustainable development and promotion of tourist product "ZALDAPA-DRY VALLEY-CARSIUM";
- Design and development of a trilingual website with the latest information for all tourist attractions in the cross-border area.Preparation and distribution of a promotional film about the Hârșova -Krushari integrated touristic product;
- Conducting a two-day workshop, promotional events and scientific symposium, printing and dissemination of promotional materials;
- Archaeological camp for learning and exploring the local culture for students from Krushari and Hârșova.
Duration of the project: 36 months
Project budget: 3 202 768,49 EUR