District Constanta and Eforie Municipality - Tourist objects and attractions


According to archaeological evidence Greek settled down in Constanța area in the 6th century BC. In its earliest times Tomis was an emporion (a trading post preceding the actual establishment of the colony). During the Hellenistic period (4th-1st c. BC) the citadel gained the character of a polis. During this period the importance of the city grew, rich possessions were accumulated, which allowed citizens to build impressive private and public buildings of stone and marble. A defensive wall was built, like those of the western-Pontic cities Histria and Callatis. The citizens organized their social and political lives in resemblance to the Ionian model.

krepost tomis



The casino is an architectural monument designed by the casino project in Monte Carlo. Built between the two wars sets. Pedestrian area around it is a favorite spot for couples and families, especially at sunset.

Constanta Cazino



The National History and Archaeology Museum, Constanţa (pronounced Constantsa), is a significant scientific institution whose main activities are aimed at the better understanding of the history and culture in the lands between the Danube and the Black Sea. A special accent is given to archaeological excavations in the ancient Greek and Roman settlements. The main exhibition of the museum includes halls dedicated to  prehistory, classical and middle ages history, a coins collection and another one of pipes. The most important department is situated on the ground floor, where masterpieces of ancient sculpture, jewelry, coins, ceramic and glass articles, personal items are exhibited, which have been found mostly in ancient Greek, Roman and late Roman tombs in the region.

mosaic museum constanta



Cathedral and St. Andrew's Monastery - the most important religious and pilgrimage center in Dobrogea.

monasteri saintandrey



St. Apostles Peter and Paul Orthodox Cathedral was built in 1885 in Greek-Roman style, with a monumental front.




Natural Sciences Complex - Constanța includes a dolphinarium, an aquarium, a planetarium, a micro delta and a zoo.

prirodonauchen kompleks konstanca



The museum includes all ethnographic regions of Romania - folk costumes, decorations, traditional interiors from different parts of the country.

Muzeul de Arta Populara Constanta



Established in 1961, the Art Museum exhibits more than 7,300 Romanian contemporary art masterpieces - paintings, sculptures, ceramics, china, upholstery and furniture. 




The exhibition is arranged chronologically and presents different vessels, navigation tools, documents and photographs. Exhibits are exposed outdoors.

voenomorski muzey



Murfatlar Winery - the most famous Romanian vineyard, with an over 6-millennial tradition, a favourite destination for tourists.

Murfatlar Wine



This is the largest documented rock monastery from early medieval times, both in Dobruja and on the Balkans. Different monastic practices can be observed in the two main sectors. Sector "B" is not a monastery in the traditional sense of the word, since monks’ common rooms, typical for coenobitic monasteries, are missing: a dining hall, chain cells, a common church, a common burial place, etc.

It seems the place was inhabited by 4-5 hermit monks, united into a small lavra, each one having his own little church (almost all of them are very small) and a cell, each one living autonomously. Only on important holidays the monks gathered in the large B4 cave church, in which traces of paintings have been found. Sector "E" is a little coenobitic monastery, with a church, a chapel, a dining room, a kitchen, an inn and monk cells.

murfatlarski skalen monastery



Trayan trophy or trophy Trajan's monument in the village Adamklisi North Dobrogea, Romania today, built by the Emperor Trajan in 109 years in the Roman province of Moesia in honor of his victory over the Dacians in 102 at the Battle of the cork. The monument was built symbolic of where in 92 years was defeated XXI Predatory Legion. To its build an altar place, the walls of which are inscribed the names of 3,000 legionaries and auxiliaries perished here in a battle for the republic. The architecture of Trajan trophy inspired by the Mausoleum of Augustus. It is dedicated to the Roman god of war Mars, and the monument 54 metope depicts various battles of the Roman legions with the enemies of the Empire, the majority of which took place between 48 and 54 years. Metopes are preserved in the museum near Trajan's trophy, and one in Constantinople. The monument is intended to serve as a warning to the people close to the newly conquered province of Dacia. The original monument did not survive until today, but in its place is currently made up his reconstruction-restoration of the time of the Romanian dictator Nicolae.




Archeological research of the fortress started in 1891 – 1909 by archeologist and historian Grigore Tocilescu. Among the monuments found in the fortress we can mention the interior wall (part of which was built before Constantine the Great, dating back to III century AD together with a munber of towers and bastions), the four gates (western – between two U-shaped towers, east-ern - between other two U-shaped towers, southern – between four solid quadrangular bastions, and probably the northern one), via principalis (300 m long 14 m wide, equipped with portici viales), the six basilicas (burial, „marble”, cistern, forensis, transept and ordinary basilica). The western and eastern gates had a closing system equipped with wings that were fixed on the in-side by means of an iron bar.




Dervent Monastery was founded between 1929 and 1936 (in Turkish dervent means "in the valley") near the former Dervent fortress and in the immediate vicinity of one of the banks of the Danube River. In 1959, the abbot, and all the other monks were driven away from the monastery premises by the communist authorities. The monastic cells and the guesthouse were transformed into offices of the local state agricultural farms and the church was transformed into a local parish church.

monastery dervent



Histria fortress is the first Greek colony on the West coast of the Black Sea and the oldest city on Romanian territory. The ruins of the fortress remained unknown for a long period of time and were explored for the first time in 1914 by the archaeologist Vasile Pârvan. 
The Greek Acropolis, placed for a long time under the ruins of the late fortress, played an important role in the spiritual life of the city; it was an important sacred area used for the citizens’ religious life. In the 6th century BC this area was already built up, as Zeus’ and Aphrodite’s temples prove. 

histria romania



The Callatis Archaeological Museum in Mangalia keeps a number of archaeological find-ings, dating back to the prehistoric and Graeco-Roman times: these are pots, amphorae, glass vessels, mosaics, a tumular tomb, statuettes, etc.




Carsium - Harshova Museum was inaugurated in 1904 in the presence of King Carol I, Queen Elizabeth and the royal family and re-inaugurated on May 29th 1926 by King Ferdinand and Queen Mary. The museum keeps archaeological objectss of exceptional importance from the Neolithic settlement in Hârșova: flint tools, pots and ornaments - representative for the Danube area civilization 6,500 years ago.

carsium harshova



Capidava is one of the fortresses built during emperor Traian’s reign, as a measure to strengthen the Danubian limes. The city was built on a rocky ground, the shape of which also detrmined the shape and orientation of the castrum: a rectangle with its long sides parallel to the river. Being mainly a military station, it was only understandable that a series of army units were quartered here. After being built by units from Legions Vth Macedonica and XIth Claudia, cohors I Ubiorum (until 143 A.D.) and then cohors I Germanorum (until 243 A.D.) were stationed here. In Roman-Byzantine period other units are mentioned: vexillatio Capidavensium, cuneus equitum Solensium şi cuneus equitum scutariorum. The city was repeatedly destroyed by Barbarian attacks and then rebuilt; the massive walls which can be seen nowadays were built during the 4th cent. A.D. Arhaeological research began here in 1924 continuing even at present. They have brought to light a large number of complexes and artefacts by which local and area history could be traced. It is also known that a customs checkpoint existed here; the harbor structures discovered on the Danube shore could be a proof that this was also a station point for Classis Flavia Moesica, the Roman fleet patrolling the Danube. Written sources tell us that here was one of the 16 bishopric sieges; the basilica was discovered, also a series of artefacts with Christian symbols. Inside the city walls many buildings were discovered: the military quarter, a quarter with buildings, each one comprising a number of rooms, streets with underground sewer drains, private baths. All around the area a large number of burials were excavated, among which veterans of the Roman army were identified. 




Systematical archaeological research of the Ulmetum Fortress (Pantelimonul de Sus) be-gan in 1911 under the direction of Vasile Pârvan (this fortress was the first important site stud-ied by Pârvan in Dobruja) and completed its first stage after four campaigns. As a result, a num-ber of buildings and parts of the fortress, provision pits and artifacts were revealed.




"Axiopolis" Museum in Cernavodă was opened in 2006. The general profile of the museum is archaeological and covers prehistory archaeology, Dacian and Roman archaeology, as well as contemporary history. The museum halls exhibit a collection of prehistoric local and regional Roman archaeology, decorative art objects from the 19th century, monuments, and persons who have marked city history.




Gumelnița Civilisation Museum Olteniţa was established in 1957 with the help of donors. Twelve years later, it was moved to a building from 1926, which is impressive with its architectural refinement. Items from Gumelniţa Neolithic culture - flintstone tools and antlers, pottery, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic vessels, harpoons, stone axes, plastic art works and jewelry are exhibited here. New exhibition pieces are being added constantly and its numismatic and archaeological pieces are currently more than 16 thousand.
