The team of “European Institute of Cultural Tourism “EUREKA”” – NPO Dobrich, represented by Bozhanka Dobreva - Coordinator, Krasen Rusev - Manager and Anka Shtereva - Financial manager, attended the 1, EthnoFest-2022, held in in Tbilisi, Georgia, in the period 13-17 October 2022.

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At the EthnoFest exhibition, organized by the Georgian  Arts and Culture Center -Tbilisi, were also  participants from Dobrich:  Pavlin Penev - icon painter, Ivaylo Marinov - leather art designer, Bogdan Bogdev - "Healthy nutrition" expert.

The event was held in the fair hall, where craftsmen, artists, representatives of applied arts, exhibited their works in over 200 stands.

The Bulgarian stand was unique with the icons of Pavlin Penev and the art products of Ivaylo Marinov. At a special seminar, Bogdan Bogdev shared his experience in growing wheat grass. He had brought ready-made samples from Bulgaria, with which he demonstrated the preparation of juice and explained its benefits as one of the super foods of the future.

The event was also attended by representatives of the steering committee of the project - Dobri Dobrev - Director of RIM-Dobrich, Zheni Mihailova - Director of the State Cultural Institute Dvoretsa-Balchik, Ivelina Petrova - Proshop Manager of BlackSeаRama Golf Resort.

The Bulgarian participants had the opportunity to visit the old city of Tbilisi, the first capital of Georgia and spiritual center - Mtskheta, as well as the Kakheti region with one of the oldest cities - Signaghi.

We thank the colleagues from the Georgian Arts and Culture Center for the excellent organization.

Our participation was within the framework of the project "Tourism, Heritage and Creativity", under the Joint operational program for cross-border cooperation "Black Sea Basin" 2014-2020, financed by the European Neighborhood Instrument.

The project is implemented jointly by the Georgian Arts and Culture Center (GACC)-Tbilisi, "European Institute of Cultural Tourism "EURIKA"" NPO-Dobrich, Foundation for the Development of the city of Mykolaiv-Ukraine and Gori Municipality City Hall, Georgia.

The main goal of the project is to contribute to the development of creative tourism in the target region by creating cultural products based on the local cultural heritage.

Now project partners are preparing the next activity - demonstration of nine creative tourism and heritage products, developed in the target regions of the project. 

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