District Dobrich - Tourist objects and attractions


Established in 1953, the Regional Historical Museum Dobrich preserves and presents cultural and natural heritage of Dobrogea with its rich collections (from VI millennium BC. To the new time).The Regional historical museum keeps the oldest processed gold found in the world, from Eneolithic Ages.

  • The only authentic funeral chamber in Bulgaria, from the largest prehistoric necropolis in the world.
  • A unique collection of Proto-Bulgarian pottery.
  • Valuable treasures, as well as gold and silver jewelry from the "Late" Nomads time and the Second Bulgarian Kingdom.

istoricheski muzey dobrich



The Museum is currently presenting the unique for Bulgaria exhibition “Dobrudzha Nature”.

Here the visitors will learn about the biodiversity of DOBRUDZHA shown in a unique and powerful way. On panoramic wall panel are arranged beautiful landscapes with typical representatives of Dobrudja flora and fauna.




The Nature and Animal protection centre is unique for Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula.  The Center was opened in 2003 and is a combination of a park and a zoo.

In the unspoiled 16 hectares countryside that is very close to the animals’ natural environment are raised more than 120 species such as horse family Przhevalski -  the only representatives on the Balkan peninsula. An important focus area in the zoo is the breeding and reproduction of rare and endangered species. 

dobrich zoo



The Art Gallery is one of the few architectural landmarks in Dobrich representing the West European influence in the city. It was designed by Italian and Romanian architects and built between 1933-1935.

The Gallery has a very rich fund of over 3,000 works including paintings, sculptures, black and white drawing, and decorative plastic arts.
The exhibition "Icons of Dobrudja" presents examples of Renaissance iconography from the XVIII-XIX century.They were made ​​by master painters and members of the famous icon-painting school. The Collection "Icons from Dobrudja" is recognized as part of the national heritage treasure.

hudojestvena galeria dobrich



The church “St.George”is located nearby the Ethno house. It was built in 1843 and is with the typical architecture of the classic basilica with a nave and two aisles. It was probably designed by the famous Bulgarian constructor and architect Kolju Ficheto or one of its students.

The church not only impresses with its unique for Dobrudzha architecture, but also attracts visitors with its rich collection of icons.

carkva sveti georgi dobrich



The "Holy Trinity" is located in the central part of Dobrich. It was built in 1911 on place of an old Christian church of the Bulgarian Revival. Architecturally a classic basilica with a dome and a bell tower.

carkva svetaa troica dobrich



The Armenian church is located in the center. It was built in 1830. It has been burnt twice during the Russian-Turkish conflicts. The church was designed by Italian architects as a new nave church with stone foundations and walls and a wooden roof construction. There are original images of Armenian saints painted in the nineteenth century in the church.

carkva sveti ovanes



The Architectural-Ethnographic museum "Old Dobrich" offers an exciting experience for those who enjoy cultural and ethno-tourism.

Here, traditional handcrafts from the mid 19th and early 20th century are preserved and promoted through authentic technology and original instruments. The old town complex consists of 30 traditional handcraft workshops, an old authentic clock tower, a stone fountain and an old Bulgarian inn. 

etnografski muzey stariya dobrich



It was built in 1860 by Drumi Drumev - rich merchant from Preslav. Its framework presents the life and livelihood of the population in Dobroudja the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Presented by her traditional clothing, authentic farm implements, tableware and storing of food, decorations, furniture and colorful singing Dobroudjan.nation wagon museum audience can live in the atmosphere of times long gone.

Entering the house, you can become involved in this ongoing educational programs reenactment of the folk calendar holidays, storytellers, singing competitions and dancing; sip of old Dobroudja wine and immerse yourself in the magic of Bulgarian folklore.

ethnographic house dobrich



The house of "Jordan Yovkov" where he lived and worked in 1918-1919 is located in the central part of Dobrich. The authentic interior and atmosphere are well preserved.
In 1980 it was built the memorial house "Jordan Yovkov". There are exhibited not only books, manuscripts, correspondence and personal effects, but many artistic works. 

dom pametnik iovkov



The city Park "St. George" was built in 1867 as one of the first parks in Bulgaria. It was declared a cultural monument. Some of the plant species there are imported from Europe.

park sveti georgi dobrich



The late antiquity and medieval Palmatis fortress is placed at the east end of Onogur village. The Roman road between Durostorum and Marcianopolis used to pass nearby. The fortress is situated on a high plateau, lowering down to the northeast towards the dry valley. The forks of Suha Reka (Dry River) make the plateau a naturally protected site, only vulnerable from the west. The shape of the fortress is rectangular, stretching from east to west, where the fortress gets narrower. The eastern wall overlooking the dry valley is approximately 340 m long. The southern wall is probably about 580-600 m long. The western wall is probably about 200 m long and the northern wall is approximately 540-550 m long. 130 m away from the eastern wall, to the west, one can see the layout of a defensive wall (or moat) going from north to south and about 260 m long. 290-320 m away from the eastern wall, to the west, you can see the layout of a second defensive wall, stretching north to south, approximately 240 m long. The layout reveals 4 towers, two of them being corner towers in the northern and southern walls. 400-410 m away from the eastern wall, to the west, one can see the layout of a third barrier – a moat that could have had a bank or a fortress wall stretching north to south and about 220 m long. 550-600 m away from the eastern wall, to the west, there is the layout of a fourth barrier - a moat that could have also had a bank or a fortress wall stretching north to south and about 200 m long. Only archaeologists could tell when each fortification was build and whether they were located in exactly this way.




Zaldapa (Latin: Zaldapa, Zeldepa; Greek: Ζάλδαπα, Ζέλδεπα) is the name of an ancient Thracian settlement in Scythia Minor/Moesia, founded by the Thracian tribe of Obulenses about the 8th century B.C. The remains of Zaldapa can be seen today south of of Abrit village, Dobrich district, Bulgaria. The settlement grew larger after the Roman expansion in Thracia. For a short period of time it was the seat of an episcopate and it was the center of the largest rebellion against Emperor Justinian I the Great. Zaldapa has a strong fortification system, comprising a moat and a more than 2 m thick fortress wall reinforced with projecting rectangular defensive towers. The northern double gate is a complex fortification, making sure that enemies that have passed through the first city gate are cut off and trapped inside. The city ceased to exist after the 7th century invasions.




Kaliakra (Greek: Καλή Άκρα, Kalē Akra) is a long and narrow cape on the northern Bulgarian Black Sea coast in the southeastern part of the Dobruja Plateau.

Located near the villages of Balgarevo and St. Nicholas, at 12 km from Kavarna and 60 km northeast of Varna. The cape juts out about 2 km into the sea and bears resemblance to a peninsula; it is a natural and an archaeological reserve and is one of the "100 Tourist Sites of Bulgaria". The European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) nests here and one can see dolphins in the sea.

The earliest settlements here date back to the 4th century BC when the area was inhabited by the Thracian tribe Tirizi. They also gave its first name - Tirizis.

The ancient geographer Strabo, describing Kaliakra, claimed that the capital city of King Lysimachus, one of the successors of Alexander the Great and ruler of Thrace, was exactly here. In the caves surrounding the cape he used to hide his incredible riches pillaged during the campaigns against Persia. During the Hellenistic age a second fortress wall was built closer to the coast, while in Roman times the Thracian fortress was extended. In 341-342 round towers were additionally built and there was already an outer and inner town. In the second half of the 4th century a third fortification with 10 m high and 2.90 m thick walls was erected further away from the edge of the cape. The archaeological excavations during the 20th century revealed the remains of ancient and early Christian necropolises at Kaliakra.

According to Hierocles, in the 5th-6th century the fortress (already named Acre Castellum or just Acra - cape) became a significant fortified site, ensuring protection from the raids of Barbarian tribes and was one of the 15 towns in Scythia province. Around Kaliakra, in 513, there was a battle between the insurgent military leader Vitalianus and the Byzantine Emperor Anastasius I. The centuries to follow saw the settlement and the fortress 110  developing, but according to some researchers they were in decline in the 7th century since Slavs and Protobulgarians were not interested in settling down across this area. In sources from the 10th century one could find the Slavic names of Tetrasida and Tetrasiada, Тetrisias, Trisa, Tiriza and Tirista.

Nos Kaliakra




2 km south from the picturesque village of Kamen Beach is situated the national archaeological reserve "YAILATA."The reserve attract visitoris with:

  • Cave 'city' of 101 'homes” dated V century BC
  • Three family tombs from the III - V century, carved in the rocks
  • SmallMedeaval Byzantine fortress built in the late V century with four partially preserved towers and one tower
  • Sanctuary sacrificial stones, wineries, four carved tombs

What is interesting is that the medieval caves were used as a monastery complex for centuries. On the walls of few are still visible ancient Bulgarian runes, stone crosses and icons.

Yalata is also intriguing with one exciting legend. It is believed that the famous Roman poet Ovidius spent there his last days, during his exile to Tomis (today Constanta) by Emperor Augustus. Ovidius took shelter in Yailata where he was well received by the local people.




Onlty 3 km. away from the Bulgarian-Romanian border is located the archaeological park "Durankulak lake."

The place is well known among the anthropologists and archeologists across the world as it is home of:

  • The first processed gold in the world that is more than 7000 year old;
    architecture in continental Europe;
  • The largest and most completely studied prehistoric cemetery in the world from the Neolithic and Eneolithic, that was used continuously for more than a millennium and a half (5300 - 3800 BC.)
  • The cave temple of Thracian-Phrygian Great Mother Goddess Cybele.

The global media compares the Durankulak findings with the significant discoveries made in Troy but highlights the fact that the ones in Durankulak were about two thousand years older.




The PROTECTED AREA Shabla lake complex is located 3 km away from Shabla. The complex combines two natural coastal lakes - Shabla and Ezerets. Both of them are connected through an artificial canal.

The lake complex is a natural habitat of rare flora and fauna. Particularly important are the avifauna. In autumn and winter there can be observed globally threatened species. Over 70 species are listed in the Red Book of Bulgaria.

The protected area is of great importance for the conservation of the otter.

shablenski ezeren kompleks